Week 1: Physical Limits
Day 1: Explorers
I am ready to take on the challenge that the people behind Summer Learning Journey has for me and all the other bloggers.
For this year's Summer Learning Journey we are going to be looking and learning people who changed the world by sports and exploration.
Activity 1: Setting Sail
Those from the Pacific Nation have always been great at navigating ever since ancient times. They navigated through out the Pacific Ocean without the help of modern navigating aid. Wondering how they did it? they would use what’s around them like using the weather to navigate. During the day time they would use the sun, clouds, birds flying patterns, swells and more but when it got dark they would use the stars and planets.
How do we know that all of this is true? We tried it out, a crew in 2015 stopped at the Pt England Reserve just down our school and gave the Manaiakalni schools in Auckland a visit.
Imagine going on the voyage with them.. wonder how it would be like. I'd be homesick and miss the ones back where I live but I'm sure that it wouldn't be that bad, it would be exciting and quite an amazing adventure.
So for this activity I have to pick 10 food items I would take along with me on my adventure and write down why I would. (Remember there is no fridges or freezers)
My food picks:
1. Dried fruits
2. Chips
3. Nuts
4. Rice
5. Lollies
6. Canned food
7. Pretzels
8. Muesli bars
9. Honey
10. Bread
Dried Fruits - I would bring it because it's delicious and also a pretty healthy choice. Fun fact did you know that one piece of dried fruit gives you the same nutrients as a fresh fruit would?
Chips - Chips can't go wrong except for when they go stale.. but all you have to do to keep it from going stale is make sure that it doesn't have that much air in the bag. Plus chips take at least 2-3 weeks to fully go stale and I wouldn't mind having a snack on the ride.
Nuts- Gotta still eat healthy even though parents aren't around! also nuts give us a range of nutrients.
Rice - Rice is another good idea to bring along since it's easy for transport and it's your choice if you wanna cook it before and put it in a container or just bring the grains.
Lollies - Although these aren't the best idea and aren't that good for our teeth we're still gonna need some energy and lollies do give us sugar rushes.
Canned Food - Again this isn't a healthy choice but it's easy to take and easy to keep edible.
Pretzels - I'm pretty picky when it comes to food and I'm not a fan of pretzels like my friends are but I'm not saying I wouldn't eat it, although it does have very little fibre we still do get energy from it.
Muesli Bars - It's another easy food to transport as they all come in boxes in a tight packaging!
Honey - Why not bring it? it's good as a topping and also pretty good for our health and reduces many risks.
Bread - Goes well with honey doesn't it? bread also gives us many nutrients and is great with honey.
Task Description: It's the summer holidays!! although it's time for relaxation and time away from school we still gotta keep up with our learning! For this year's Summer Learning Journey we are looking at people who changed the world by sports and exploration.