Team 2's mini movie was about when they had a Easter egg hunt last term and how they found the eggs, to find them team 2 looked under, over, left, right and all around their space to find the chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. This term they will be hiding their own treasure and will be creating their own treasure maps and once they have completed their maps they will give the map to their friends and they will try to find the hidden treasure.

Team 4's movie was about how all the teachers accept for Mr Goodwin all gathered at pak n save and Mr Goodwin gave them a task that they could not use their gps or their car to get back to school he left a map close to where they met at and off they went trying to find the way back to school, when they arrived back at school they were all mad at Mr Goodwin because he was the one who made them go through what they just went through.
Team 5's little play was about VTA which stands for Virtual Travel Agency Miss Tapuke and her family wanted to go on a two week vacation and the first continent that they went to was Europe where the Eiffel tower was and the second location they went to was North America where they went to Disneyland and the third place they went to was Africa where Miss Tapuke got to pet a lion in the wild the last place that they went to was Asia where they went to the great wall of China.

My favourite out of all it was Teachers in Space I enjoyed seeing their morning routine and how they take care of the emergency's at school. Mr Vogt helped pick up the rubbish so that the "virus" does not spread around the school and Mrs Lagitupu took care of all the coding and laptop stuff and Miss Va'afusuaga who took care of the meteoroid from hitting earth.
Overall I am very very excited for what we are going to be learning this term and excited about my animation and also about learning latitude and longitude and learning about all the continents and where they are.