I am a Year 8 learner in Room 4 at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teacher is Mrs Stone.
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
2020/Term 4 Highlights!
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Extension- Art work (Art Alive)
For extension this term we drew digitally an image that represented both the environment that is around us and our culture.
Monday, 30 November 2020
Kiwi Kids News Read Off! = Facemasks Adding To Plastic Waste
WALT: Locate and summarise ideas within a range of texts
Kiwi Kids News Read Off! = Royal Dog Passes Away
WALT: locate and summarise ideas within a range of texts
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Writing - Poetry (Cinquain Poems)
Monday, 23 November 2020
WALT: make accurate measurements using a variety of measuring equipment
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Piet Mondrian - Abstract Artist
Monday, 9 November 2020
Blog Commenting
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Artist's Study: Alberto Giacometti
Chance and Probability
WALT: Explore Chance and probability and read Graph data.
Statistics and Probability
WALT: work out the probability something will happen interpret and draw conclusions from the data presented in graphs
Monday, 2 November 2020
Algebra Everywhere
Friday, 30 October 2020
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Plastic Pollution
Did you know that plastic can take up to 1,000 years to decompose? Plastic is great! It’s used for everything, it’s very useful as it is really durable but because of how durable it is, it’s really horrible for both our environment and animals. Plastic pollution has been a huge problem for a very long while. It’s an abundance of unwanted plastics here on earth.
The four r’s, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repurpose. Reducing the use of plastic can be a huge help to plastic pollution. Why should we reduce the use of plastic? It’s really important because plastic production requires an enormous amount of energy and resources. This causes carbon emissions and contributes to global warming. What are some ways we can reduce the use of plastic? Well firstly, we can start by avoiding single-use plastics like straws, plastic shopping bags, water bottles, etc.
Reuse, Why should we reuse plastic? By reusing plastic instead of manufacturing the same grade of material every time, we are effectively reducing the footprint of the plastic on dump sites across the globe. How can we reuse plastic? Reusing plastic isn’t that hard. We can reuse the plastic by using it the way it was manufactured to but we can also repurpose it.
Recycle, Why should we recycle? Recycling takes about 88% less energy than making plastic, it also helps with reducing fossil fuel consumption. Not only does plastic take ages to break down it also makes up a huge amount of our solid waste, and because of how long it takes for the plastic to break down when we dump plastics into landfills, it doesn’t break down easily. Thus causing it to clog up valuable landfill space.
Lastly, Repurpose, like mentioned in reduce we can repurpose the use of plastic. Not only is it easy it also saves us money. Plus, properly recycling these plastics benefits the environment by reducing the need for more landfills. We also conserve a lot of energy by repurposing/recycling plastic.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Monday, 19 October 2020
Friday, 16 October 2020
Immersion Assembly {Term 4}
This week is our first week of term 4, I'm looking forward to all that's happening but also quite sad since it's my last term here at Pt England School.
Like any other normal immersion assembly's on Monday each team got to present by film/play what they are going to be doing this term. Almost every team presented a video except for team 5 (like normal). Our theme for this term is 'Art Alive' we will be looking at different ways of art. Term 4 is gonna be the term of art!
My favourite two teams were team 5 (not being biased) and team 1. Team 5 had a play where it was based at the museum the teachers acted as art pieces and explained what each art piece meant. Team 1 was a video of the teachers recreating famous art pieces.
I will be looking forward to all of the art related lessons throughout this term! :D
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Admirable Algebra 2
WALT: find unknown values
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Te Reo Maori Lesson 1 Ngā tau -Create Task
Te Reo Maori Lesson 1 Ngā tau
Plastic Pollution -Create Task
WALT: summarise key information in text
Friday, 25 September 2020
As I saw it
Te Horeta
My Item: a ship biscuit
Description: This item is the main diet for the crew.
It was made of flour, water and salt. It was then baked til hard.
One of the ships man walked up on shore where he then started trading with Te Horeta, Te Horeta gave him a kowhai flower and the man gave a “pumice stone”. The man showed Te Horeta that it should go into his mouth and so he did, but he found it very hard and sweet which he didn’t like.
The man pointed his “walking stick” at the sky when thunder and lightning came out of it.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
The Cambodian Myth of Thunder, Lightning, and Rain. {not finished animation}
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
2.7 Ko wai ō hoa?
Writing - For Specific Purpose (NZ Sign Language)
WALT: write an explanation.
Friday, 18 September 2020
Volume Problem
"From a square piece of paper we can make a box without a lid by cutting a square from each corner and folding up the flaps.
Find the different volumes of box it is possible to make by changing the size of the cut-out squares.
What is the maximum possible volume?
What is the size of the square cut-out that produces it?"

Reo Changemaker, Hinewehi Mohi
WALT: Evaluate information in a text
Hinewehi mohi's story
Hinewehi mohi’s father came from an era where if caught talking Maori they would be smacked, and so this led to many not knowing their language. His parents as well thought that it would be better for him to learn english as the rest of the world. At age 36 her father decided to do something about the language and so he taught himself and then taught his daughter, Hinewehi was also keen on learning more about the language and so she did.
Learning the language came to a point where it became important to learn Maori at school. Hinewhehi mohi went to St Joseph's Māori Girls' School in Napier and went onto the University of Waikato where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Māori in 1985.
Her first album being Oceania, it was released in 1999. While promoting her first album in London, she was asked to sing the New Zealand national anthem at a rugby game in Twickenham.
Although singing the New Zealand anthem in Maori had been done multiple times, it had never been done at the nationals and so when Hinewehi sang it in Te Reo everyone was shocked. Singing it in this version was very controversial; she decided to go forward with singing it in Maori.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Taha Wairua
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Create Task Lesson 7
WALT: ask and answer questions about what things are.
2.6 Kei te pehea te ahua o te rangi?
WALT: ask and answer questions about what things are.
Monday, 14 September 2020
Maori Moment
Today at exactly 12 pm we had a moment where we all stood up and sang 2 songs! We did this to remember the protest that took place in 1972. In 1972 30,000 signatures were taken to the parliament because they decided that we needed to do something to keep the language (Maori) alive in Aotearoa. And now we did a week every year to dedicate it to learn more about the native language! (Maori).
Things T Could Go
Things T could do....
Personal: since T likes basketball he could go out and play basketball, get his mind off of all the things that are stressing him out.
Interpersonal: He could talk with Jack or maybe try and open up with his mum?
Societal: Go talk to counsellors or teachers, etc. Find help within the community.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Maths Warm Up ~Tapa Cloth~

For this mornings maths warm up we had this simple question to do! We had to figure out the perimeter of this tapa cloth and the area of it.Since we could see that once side of each rectangle/square we added them up and got our answer for that side.
I got:
450cm or 4.5m for the perimeter
and for the area I got 12,600cm or to simplify it, it would be 126m
-------------------------------- The End -------------------------
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
What being Burmese means to me!
I’m quite proud to be Burmese, there’s loads of cool traditions in every culture but here are just some of mine! Being Burmese means a lot and can mean quite a lot of different things to different Burmese people but this is what it feels for me to be Burmese!
Firstly let’s talk about dances and festivals, there are multiple popular festivals but the most known one is the water festival. It’s called a Thingyan! Although it’s not just us who celebrate it but it is quite a big deal in Myanmar/Burma. It usually takes place at the end of the year. Participating in our cultural dances means quite a lot and we learn a lot about our culture along the way!
In Myanmar/Burma they use a different calendar, it’s known as the lunisolar calendar many countries/cultures use this as well! The months in the lunisolar calendar are based on the lunar months and the years are based on solar years!
And so these are only a fraction of the reasons why I’m proud to be Burmese!
Monday, 7 September 2020
Tongan Travel

Conquering Fractions
Tongan Language Week!
This week is Tongan Language week. Tongan language week is all about celebrating their culture and language. New Zealand celebrates many cultures by having a week for them!
Each year there is a different theme for the week and this weeks theme is "Fakakoloa 'o Aotearoa 'aki 'a e Lotu Mo'oni" which in English means "Enriching Aotearoa New Zealand through Prayer and Faith".
This week gives all of us a chance to get to know more about the beautiful culture! Whether it's through music, dance, food, crafting, activities, etc.
4 Fun facts!
~Humpback whales travel about 3,000 miles to breed and give birth in Tonga!
~Tonga is the only pacific nation to not be colonised!
~Tonga is a disappearing island
~There are 170 islands in Tonga!
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
Measurement 3!
TASK DESCRIPTION: for today's maths task we took a look at measurements. We each completed a simple presentation depending on the group we were in.
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
2.4 He hākete kikorangi
WALT: to describe objects using colours
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Rata and the Totara Tree
WALT: make connections across a range of texts
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Recap Science = Tech Class
We had our first science class today! We got to know each other and as this was an online class we didn't have much to do.
Online classes make tech quite difficult to do. After introducing ourselves to our new teacher we went on the science site. Completed a short list of questions and had a quiz!
I really enjoyed the quiz part, I learnt/re learnt things and I'm looking forward to next weeks tech class!
We ended it off like any other online class, and that was the end of lesson 1! :D
Meet Measurements!
WALT: Use appropriate scales, devices and metric units
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Rata and the Totara Tree (Story Boarding)
2.3 He pene tāu? {Create Task}
2.3 He pene tāu?
WALT: ask and answer questions about things we have/own
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Before I forget 2.0
WALT: apply our mathematical knowledge
A Moon Myth - Rona and the moon
WALT: make connections across a range of texts
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
{Storyboard} Rona and the Moon
WALT: make connections across a range of texts
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Facts about Isaac Newton
Monday, 10 August 2020
Things I would love for the current year 7s to have at camp next year ⛺
~Here are just some things I would love for the current year 7s to have at camp next year ⛺~
The camp was amazing! I enjoyed it and made lovely memories at the place. I'm very grateful for the fact that we even had camp because in the beginning of the year it seemed as if there would be no camp.
~Maybe roasting some marshmallows? Having a camp fire could've actually been really fun and could maybe bring us together? Some bonding time!
~Water slide? I've seen old videos of the past year 8s sliding down which looked really fun but it's totally fine that we didn't have it this year as there was a storm.
~I wish we had flying fox but sadly it was closed because of some technical difficulties.
~A few more days at camp would've been amazing, I still miss camp and I just don't think we had enough time :(( but camp was amazing for those 3 short days!
Highlights of Year 8 Camp at Kauaeranga Valley Christian Camp
Last week we had year 8 leadership camp. While the year 8s were away having a blast at the Kauaeranga Valley Christian Camp the year 7s and some of the year 8s that stayed back had the step up programme with Mrs Ilaoa, Miss Tipene and Mrs Moala.
I had multiple highlights from camp but some of them were the cross games that we had on the first day. On the first day of camp once we had arrived at the campsite we went into our cabins to get our bunks ready, we also got changed into something comfortable for the games. There were games that we had and we were able to get points for our camp groups.
Long story short my favourite game out of the cross games was the body surfer. I was the one who got to surf on all of my group while they pulled me across the hall. It felt great to be supported by all of the year eights and I trust that they wouldn't drop me. It was a great time and it helped us to befriend people we didn't really know before.
From what I heard from the year 7s step up programme it seemed pretty fun. I found out that they also had teams and it was very similar to last years programme.
Overall I'm very thankful that we even had camp because during the lockdown it seemed like there wasn't even going to be one. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to step up as leaders and to make new friends.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Te Ika A Maui
WALT: make connections across a range of texts
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
As I Saw It.....
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
{DMIC} Liquorice Lace
Friday, 24 July 2020
Paul Bunyan: An American Legend
Cambodia ~Poster~
TASK DESCRIPTION: In Mrs Ilaoa's room we learnt about the Cambodian myth about the lighting, thunder and rain. We watched a short video explaining the myth and then had a few tasks to finish. Enjoy my small poster about Cambodia!
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Cambodian Myth of Lightning, Thunder and Rain
Monday, 20 July 2020
The Myth of Hermes
TASK DESCRIPTION: Today in inquiry we learnt about the ancient Greeks and some famous myths. We learnt about the different gods (Ancient Greece was polytheistic) and their story of creation. We then looked at some of the crazy things newborn Hermes was able to do in this story.
Immersion Assembly, Term 3
Each team presented what they were going to do this term. My favourite team must be team 5! not trying to be biased. They went up on stage and did a small play for the whole school, we found out that we were going to be taking a look at myths from all through out the world.
We got told the story of Sina and the eel, a story of love and sadness. The eel confessed his love but got rejected which was already sad, the eel follows Sina everywhere she goes and as the story progresses her fear for him grew bigger. Till one day when Sina had enough, she told her uncles and cousins where the cousin chopped off the eels head. Before dying the eel asked Sina to plant his head as his last wish, after they had planted his head a tree grew from it along with coconuts. It is said that the three holes represent his eyes and mouth so whenever you drink the water of it you are also kissing him.
Sunday, 5 July 2020
Term 2 Animation ~The Water Cycle~
Friday, 3 July 2020
Term 2 Reflection!
Thursday, 2 July 2020
PT 2, The Million Pound Banknote
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Monday, 29 June 2020
Fractions Level 2.3
PT 1, The 1 Million Pound Banknote
Friday, 26 June 2020
Matariki 2020
Today was Matariki day! Me and Zaeeda from room 4 were put in room 7 for crafts. We each made a galaxy art piece, take a look!
Thursday, 25 June 2020
BLM Update
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Scandalous Satire
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Facile Fractions
Monday, 22 June 2020
Fake Facts
Friday, 19 June 2020
Why do people protest?
What do you think of when the word ‘protest’ comes up? For hundreds of years New Zealand have had multiple protests trying to bring awareness to their movement. Some have succeeded and others haven’t. Some may be for rights, fairness, to fix a problem, etc.
What is a protest?
There are many ways to protest, a march, petition, a meeting, strike, rally, etc. A protest can be a way to complain or to bring awareness to a problem, protests have been around for a very long time, for example in New Zealand it has been a few hundred years since protests have taken place.
What causes a protest?
Protests usually take place when people feel as if there has been injustice or unfairness. It can also be made when the public disagrees with changes that the government caused. Many start a protest when they have a problem they would like to share with the public.
Do protests work?
Some do, some don’t. It takes both sides of people to make a compromise, if the protest can get known and really large like the BLM protest that is going on right now changes would most likely be made. It’s not a certainty that the protest the people started will work but it doesn’t hurt to try!
Protests have been a thing for a long time and some of them actually helped make a difference to the present! So, what do you now know about protests?
Terrific Transformations!
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Writing an Effective Essay Opening
Monday, 15 June 2020
Stand up: Week 10, 2020
Friday, 12 June 2020
Term 2: Our First Live Assembly!
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
A Brush with the Dark Side
TASK DESCRIPTION: for today's literacy task the class split up into 2 groups, group a and group b. I was put in group a where the book we had to read was "A Brush with the Dark Side". We had to answer a few questions and wrote a sentence under a photo
Cupcake Advertisement
Great Geometry
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Monday, 8 June 2020
2D Representations
What's the Point?
Thursday, 4 June 2020
Lesson 2: Courgette Fritters!
Lesson 2:
Attributes of a healthy and tasty meal
Courgette fritters
What went well?
Frying the fritters went better than me and Jedida expected. Getting the ingredients ready to mix went well too! Overall everything went well!
What did not go well?
Nothing really went wrong, everything went better than what I expected.
What could be improved?
Maybe cleaning a bit more quicker and when frying the fritters maybe we could’ve made them smaller so that there was more.
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Examination Day: Intro to Narratives
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Love's 3D Shape
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
3D Shapes!
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Kia Ora
What are 3D shapes
Monday, 25 May 2020
Te Whare Tapa Wha -Kid President-
The Triangle △ ▽ ◣
Thursday, 21 May 2020
Washing Your Hands
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
The Quadrilaterals
Te Whare Tapa Wha -Taha Hinegaro-
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Te Whare Tapa Wha -Taha Tinana-
No hea koe? {Where are you from?}
Monday, 18 May 2020
Taha Whanau