I am a Year 8 learner in Room 4 at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teacher is Mrs Stone.
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Goodbye For The Holiday
Dear Fan's
It's that time of the year where school is almost gonna end. I always hate this time of the year because I don't get to see my friends for another month. These are some of the highlights of this year for me.
Year 6 camp
(which I do not have a post about)
(which is a robot competition also don't have post for it)
Year 5 & 6 Camp
(don't have post)
anyways this year was a total roller coaster but I enjoyed being a year 6. I'm quite excited and not excited to become a year 7.
It's that time of the year where school is almost gonna end. I always hate this time of the year because I don't get to see my friends for another month. These are some of the highlights of this year for me.
Year 6 camp
(which I do not have a post about)
(which is a robot competition also don't have post for it)
Year 5 & 6 Camp
(don't have post)
anyways this year was a total roller coaster but I enjoyed being a year 6. I'm quite excited and not excited to become a year 7.
2018 Year 6 Camp
Have you been to Kawau Island for a school camp well this year the year 6’s did and we had so much fun and even conquered most of our fears. We all left on Tuesday and returned on Friday read on to find out more of our amazing time at the camp.
While we all waited for the rest of the year 6’s to arrive everyone waited at our school hall, while they arrived the parents that were there helped carry our luggages to the bus and when everyone arrived we did our camp group rolls. Off we went we all went onto a bus and sat down in our seats it was quite a long journey but finally we arrived at sandspit beach, we all got off the bus one by one and took the luggages that were on the bus and carried them down to the ferry. We had a snack there and everyone walked over to the ferry and went up the stars and sat down on some seats. When everyone arrived at Kawau Island we all took our luggages and put them near the dining room and that’s how we met Legless! Legless is a Weka with only one leg, later we all sat into our camp lines and took off we hiked up killer hill which was actually quite tiring if I had to be honest. While we were on the other side of the hill, we stopped at a beach and then had our lunch we had free time there and we played there for at least around 30 minutes.
On the next day early in the morning Mr Jacobson blew his bugle really loudly which made me and my cabinmates wake up, then we put on some socks grabbed our jumper and got our running shoes and everyone had to go out for a run. Later we had breakfast and got ready for the day, we all did four activities for the day but my team did sailing, concourse, burma trail and orienteering. My two favourite activities for the day were sailing and concourse which is short for confidence course which really is just some obstacle courses, sailing was actually quite easy but some people went solo but I wasn’t confident enough to sail by myself so me and Rozaidah decided to pair up and sail together. Later Peter our sailing teacher (which is also one of Camp Bentzon owners) told us that the most important little message which was “Tiller to the sail!” overall with sailing I really enjoyed it but the thing I did not enjoy was getting soaking wet by Mr Goodwin.
By day three we all got used to the bugle because of hearing it so many times like in the morning, activity rotations, lunch, dinner and freetime once again after waking up we all went out for the run same old same old had breakfast and did activities. Today we did some different activities like abseiling, kayaking, rafts and bivouac this time I didn’t really have any favourites they were all my favourite, they were all very fun to do and some were easier than others. Although abseiling sounds like it has something to do with the water it really has nothing to do with water it was quite a scary experience since I was scared of heights, I’m pretty sure most people know what kayaking is but have you ever in your life kayaked so close to a eagleray well I have and it FREAKED ME OUT it just looked so scary and I don’t even know why, I was mostly scared that it might jump over my kayak because that has happened to Mr Somerville before. Rafting was very tricking but it was fun at the same time trying to tie the barrel onto the wood was impossible! We just ended up swimming in the beach, lastly was bivouac and let’s just say we ended up having freetime it was pretty difficult to do and even if we tried most of our ones would fall down and it was quite dangerous since I nearly went under it the exact time it fell apart.
I would like to say Thank you to the parents that came along on this camp and helped look after us since
there weren’t enough teachers to take care all of us. I would also like to say thank you to all our instructors
that made sure that we had fun and was safe while we did each and every activities, thank you to the chefs
that made us delicious food we all enjoyed it and thank you to everyone that made this camp possible for
the year 6’s I am pretty sure that everyone enjoyed camp and that all of us made some pretty fun and cool
new memories.
there weren’t enough teachers to take care all of us. I would also like to say thank you to all our instructors
that made sure that we had fun and was safe while we did each and every activities, thank you to the chefs
that made us delicious food we all enjoyed it and thank you to everyone that made this camp possible for
the year 6’s I am pretty sure that everyone enjoyed camp and that all of us made some pretty fun and cool
new memories.
I enjoyed every activity we did and enjoyed being in the wild rather than just being on the internet for
almost 24/7. I learnt that even if we have fears and if we try our hardest to get rid of them it can happen
and I also learnt how to stair a optimus sailing boat. The thing I enjoyed the most was spending time with
all the other year 6’s and all the teachers and parents and enjoyed working as a team with everyone.
almost 24/7. I learnt that even if we have fears and if we try our hardest to get rid of them it can happen
and I also learnt how to stair a optimus sailing boat. The thing I enjoyed the most was spending time with
all the other year 6’s and all the teachers and parents and enjoyed working as a team with everyone.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Tha Zin Cave Painting Animation
for this term's animation we had to animate a cave drawing.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Tha Zin Term 1 Respect Animation
Hi my name is Tha Zin and this is my term 1 respect animation.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Tha Zin Decimal Problem Silver
WALT: Use add/ sub strategies to solve tricky decimal problems.
TASK DESCRIPTION:Today we worked with decimals. This time we added decimals, I have worked with decimals before as you might know.
Term 4 is going to be a roller coaster
Walt: use correct sentences to help structure our writing.
The holidays has ended sadly but term 4 has begun! I am so excited to see what team 4 is going to be doing this term and when I found out we were doing art I was super duper excited to do them.Read more to find out what we are going to be doing, my goals and our learning.
The holidays has ended sadly but term 4 has begun! I am so excited to see what team 4 is going to be doing this term and when I found out we were doing art I was super duper excited to do them.Read more to find out what we are going to be doing, my goals and our learning.
This term sounds really exciting because since the theme is Te Wā Toi and also because the assembly on Monday the 15th of October our first assembly of the term was quite surprising and was pretty funny at the same time. The events I am excited for are year 6 camp, prizgiving (mostly just the dances) and also very excited for film festival and many more. I am mostly excited about year 6 camp because of what I have heard of about it.
I have three goals for this term and hopefully I get to achieve all three of them. One of my goals are to become a camp leader (which I don’t know if I can achieve). Another one of my goals are to finish reading two books by the end of this term. My last goal would be to be become a film festival presenter.
I am hoping to learn how to add and subtract decimals because I always seem to get confused. Another thing I really want to learn about is cultural arts and also learn about some artists. I also really hope that we do some watercolour painting since it is really pretty and also some tie dye like Zaeeda because tie dye is really colourful and both are really magnificent and beautiful.
Overall I am really really excited for this term and seems like this term is going to be excited and busy. There's a lot on like camp, film festival, prizegiving and many more and it sounds like this term is going to be the busiest term of the year for sure, I really really hope to achieve all my goals that I have set for myself, and I also hope that we get to do watercolour painting and tie dye I just can’t wait for this term has to bring. Once again like I said many times in my writing this term is going to be exciting and I just can’t wait I am looking forward to writing more stories and writings throughout this term and hopefully you read them.
Task Description: for this week we had to write a writing about this new term and our goals and our learning. We also wrote about what we wanted to learn for the term and whats going on this term, Mr Goodwin also taught us how to write a proper conclusion. I found it hard to actually set goals for myself because I had more goals for myself but Mr Goodwin said that no more than five goals.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Tha Zin Room 7 Typing Speed
WALT: analyse data and display data using a graph

Task Description : today in room 7 we collected data from everyone in the class (except for the people who were not here today) we did a 1 minute typing speed test to see how many words we could type in a minute most people in the class got 11 words to 30 words
Task Description : today in room 7 we collected data from everyone in the class (except for the people who were not here today) we did a 1 minute typing speed test to see how many words we could type in a minute most people in the class got 11 words to 30 words
Mr Goodwin,
typing speed,
Monday, 10 September 2018
Tha Zin Fangs The Sequal
Walt: Understand the text from the perspectives of the characters.
Task Description:
As for this week work for the Imac's it was slightly hard just because we needed to stop being lazy of trying to explain what the story was about. Before we typed anything for the answer we mostly talked about the question and thought about it before we wrote anything. The book that went with this presentation is called " Fangs: The Sequel " as for this book it's is all about two character Lydia and Madeline going to a carnival with Lydia's little brother Zac. Zac goes missing and gets found by Madeline the vampire. She see's him with a fake vampire holding him up and Madeline re-acts and helps him out. I've learnt in this task to understand what I am reading and learning about.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Tha Zin No Fangs Vocabulary
WALT:understand the text from the perspectives of the characters
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this task we had to understand these words and write down the meaning of it in our own words.
Tha ZIn Personal Trainer
WALT:solve problems using Ratios
TASK DESCRIPTION: This we learn about ratios. Here is a task about a personal trainer and his clients. We had to use mutiples for this task, it was not that hard but the second question took some thinking but I worked it out in the end. I hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Tha Zin Monster Descriptions
WALT: we had to write a monster and alien description
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this presentation we had to write a descriptive descriptions on the monster or alien characters I did monster instead of the alien one. We had to actually write a description on 4 monsters/aliens but I decided to just do 2.
Monday, 3 September 2018
Advice Column
WALT: look for the hidden or deeper meaning in the text.
TASK DESCRIPTION:This week we replied to a someone famous asking for our help. He wanted to know things about healthy eating and how he should be eating. We had to fully understand to write him a good reply. This task was not for real and I hope you enjoy!
advice column,
Mr Goodwin,
Term 3
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Tha Zin Who Gets Invited!
WALT: solve problems using Ratios
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this presentation we had to know our 7 times table to figure out these problems 4 and 5 was having a party and only multiples of 7 could come check my presentation to see what I did.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Tha Zin Amazing Stickers
WALT:think from the perspective of characters in the story.
TASK DESCRIPTION: For this task we had to read a journal about a book and my one was called Amazing Stickers. In this task we had to practice reading the book and then record on screencastify of us reading the book and out it on the slide, then we had to write a review of the book and then rate it out of 5.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Tha Zin Rubbish Clean Up
WALT: structure a recount
You may ask me why did we go down to the reserve just to pick up rubbish when we
could’ve picked up rubbish on our school field, well we did it at the reserve and not at
our field because our teacher Mr Goodwin thinks that the reserve is more polluted than
our school. But when we got there we realised that there wasn’t a piece of rubbish in our
sight. Have your class gone and picked up rubbish at your school or at your beaches???
As we got there Mr Goodwin decided that we should in fact pick up some rubbish at the
reserve, it was a bit tricky since the reserve was almost spotless. He got us into 5 groups
of 5 but ended up putting us in 5 group of 5,6 and 7. After we got into our little rubbish
picking groups Mr Goodwin told us the rules and that if we picked up grass,mud,bark and shoes
we would get disqualified and that the group who had the most rubbish in their bag got 10
minutes of cool time aka cool maths games, after everyone heard that everyone got a bit
competitive with other teams. He handed us a large black trash bag to each team, he also
told us about the boundaries and where we could not go and we could go, if anyone had
passed it their whole team would get disqualified. Do you know what cool maths game is???
reserve, it was a bit tricky since the reserve was almost spotless. He got us into 5 groups
of 5 but ended up putting us in 5 group of 5,6 and 7. After we got into our little rubbish
picking groups Mr Goodwin told us the rules and that if we picked up grass,mud,bark and shoes
we would get disqualified and that the group who had the most rubbish in their bag got 10
minutes of cool time aka cool maths games, after everyone heard that everyone got a bit
competitive with other teams. He handed us a large black trash bag to each team, he also
told us about the boundaries and where we could not go and we could go, if anyone had
passed it their whole team would get disqualified. Do you know what cool maths game is???
When everyone knew the rules Mr Goodwin shouted “GO!” and off everyone went, people
raced to some rubbish picked it up and ran back to their teammate who was holding the
trash bag. Everyone went wild, people ran here and there and someone nearly past the
boundaries which nearly got their whole team disqualified!. There really wasn’t much rubbish
to pick up but somehow we still found some, someone in a team had picked up bark and
chucked it in their trash bag and nearly got their team disqualified. After a while Mr Goodwin
blew his whistle and everyone came running back, oh and if we didn’t get there in time your
team would get disqualified. Me and my team tried our hardest but it was tricky since all the
other teams had picked up the rubbish, but we did find some rubbish in the bushes we all
wanted to win so badly but we also had a feeling that another team was in the lead. I felt nervous
and excited at the same time for no reason I was only nervous because I was scared my team
might accidently put mud, grass, bark and even shoes in the bag. I felt excited because my
team had a chance of winning but then also a chance of losing.
raced to some rubbish picked it up and ran back to their teammate who was holding the
trash bag. Everyone went wild, people ran here and there and someone nearly past the
boundaries which nearly got their whole team disqualified!. There really wasn’t much rubbish
to pick up but somehow we still found some, someone in a team had picked up bark and
chucked it in their trash bag and nearly got their team disqualified. After a while Mr Goodwin
blew his whistle and everyone came running back, oh and if we didn’t get there in time your
team would get disqualified. Me and my team tried our hardest but it was tricky since all the
other teams had picked up the rubbish, but we did find some rubbish in the bushes we all
wanted to win so badly but we also had a feeling that another team was in the lead. I felt nervous
and excited at the same time for no reason I was only nervous because I was scared my team
might accidently put mud, grass, bark and even shoes in the bag. I felt excited because my
team had a chance of winning but then also a chance of losing.
After picking up rubbish on the reserve and on two of our school fields we sat on the concrete
pathway which was next to our school library, Miss Harae was the judge and judged our trash
bags she checked the first one and thought that it was pretty full then she moved on to the next
one she checked it and it was pretty full as well at this moment I got nervous because it was
my teams turn, Miss Harae checked it and thought it wasn’t that full then she checked the team
beside us and found bark inside of their trash bag she checked the other and then decided that
the second team had the most rubbish and they won. They could go to Mr Goodwin anytime
and ask to have 10 mins of cool time, I was happy for them but quite sad that my team had lost it
was still a great experience.
pathway which was next to our school library, Miss Harae was the judge and judged our trash
bags she checked the first one and thought that it was pretty full then she moved on to the next
one she checked it and it was pretty full as well at this moment I got nervous because it was
my teams turn, Miss Harae checked it and thought it wasn’t that full then she checked the team
beside us and found bark inside of their trash bag she checked the other and then decided that
the second team had the most rubbish and they won. They could go to Mr Goodwin anytime
and ask to have 10 mins of cool time, I was happy for them but quite sad that my team had lost it
was still a great experience.
At the end of the day me and my class did get to clean our reserve and our fields. It helped our
reserve to be tidy and our school field, since it was a competition it was quite fun for other
people and quite fun for me. After the experience I felt like my class got to help clean our area
and hopefully people in the future will look after their school fields and their reserves.
reserve to be tidy and our school field, since it was a competition it was quite fun for other
people and quite fun for me. After the experience I felt like my class got to help clean our area
and hopefully people in the future will look after their school fields and their reserves.
TASK DESCRIPTION: In this writing we had to write a recount of the experience we had when
we went down to our reserve to pick up some rubbish.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Tha Zin How Fast Is That
WALT: look for the hidden meaning in the text.
TASK DESCRIPTION: This week we are learnt about calcutaltin speed. I learnt the forumla to calutelate speed and it wasn't that difficult. I hope you enjoy my Presenation and I hope we are doing more in the future.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Tha Zin The Front Row Venn Diagram
WALT: look for the hidden meaning in the text.
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this activity we had to compare rugby and netball.We also had to find out the similarity in both sports.
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Tha Zin TImetable
WALT: look for the hidden meaning in the text.
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this activity we had to write down a timetable for a healthy kid our age. We also had to write down why exercise is so important for us.
Friday, 3 August 2018
Tha Zin Write The Scene!
WALT: find relevant information in the text.
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this presentation room 7 had to write dialogues between two people and we had to write a short a story from looking at the picture.
WALT: find relevant information in the text.

TASK DESCRIPTION: in this activity we had to sound professional and had to write a daily newspaper that you might see in your mail box everyday.
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this activity we had to sound professional and had to write a daily newspaper that you might see in your mail box everyday.
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Tha Zin Family Of Facts 7
WALT: solve problems with multiple elements.
Task Description:we needed to use the formula to work out speed and had to understand the formula. and we needed to know our fractions to these problems, we also needed to know our timetable of by heart to solve these problems.
Tha Zin Exercise- Wise
WALT: find relevant information in the text.
Task Description: in this activity we had to read a online book called Why Is Exercise Wise and then we had to write about why exercise is wise and had to write down fitness, strength and flexibility.
Task Description: in this activity we had to read a online book called Why Is Exercise Wise and then we had to write about why exercise is wise and had to write down fitness, strength and flexibility.
Tha Zin Family Of Facts 6
WALT: solve problems with multiple elements.
Task Description: we need to use the formula to work out speed and had to understand the formula. and we needed to know our fractions to these problems, we also needed to know our timetable of by heart to solve these problems.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Tha Zin Mini Minutes
WALT:find relevant information in the text.
TASK DESCRIPTION: Read the texts supplied.Work on the task with your teacher.Complete the tasks and share them on your blog.
Tha Zin Ki-o-rahi Vocabulary
WALT:find relevant information in the text.
TASK DESCRIPTION: Read the texts supplied.Work on the task with your teacher.Complete the tasks and share them on your blog.
Tha Zin Immersion Assembly
Today was the first day of term 3. We had our immersion assembly like every first day of the term, this immersion assembly was very energetic and different to all our other ones. Does your school have immersion assembly’s?
The theme for this term is Move Ya Body .I think that the theme is all about movements, being healthy and being active, it was a surprise to most people when Beyonce Burt aka Mr Burt came on stage and started dancing uncontrollably and it was quite hilarious watching him. Beyonce Burt, Mr J and Mr Somerville was dancing so much that they were puffing!, even prefects went on stage and started dancing along. Mrs Nua asked some people to go on stage and start dancing, then she asked everyone to stand up and dance along.
Team 4s topic is all about having fun while being active. We also have to try and create a way better game then the one that the team 4 teachers created, if you don’t already know team 4s movie is just the teachers staying active while having a fun time. Team 4s movie is also about fitness, exercise and movement and also being vigorous.
I hope we learn about different type of yoga poses and learn some vigorous exercising. I also hope we get to learn about ways to make exercising fun and create exercising games, or maybe there could be two types of exercising games which one could be vigorous and the other could be calm.
I think that the terms theme is similar to last terms theme I like to move it. I also think that this terms theme is all about Pt England just working on how to keep our body healthy and how to stay active which could help our health.
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Tha Zin Healthy Lifestyle
Walt: find relevant information in the text.
Task Description: Read the texts supplied,work on the task with your teacher and complete the tasks and share them on your blog.
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Tha Zin What's The Time
Walt: build a stronger knowledge base around time.
Task Description: Understand the difference between (am) and (pm),Convert written, analogue and digital forms
Recognise key times throughout our day
Solve basic problems
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Monday, 2 July 2018
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
Friday, 22 June 2018
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Monday, 18 June 2018
Tha Zin Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences
WALT: Understand the difference between simple, compound and complex sentences.
TASK: Use different sentence types in our writing to make it interesting.
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Tha Zin Re-reading, revising, editing and re-crafting our work
Once upon a time there was a horse named
Sue she was a normal casual horse
you would ever see in a farm.
She had bright blue eyes and was
bay coloured she was abandoned
ever since she was 4 months old
unfortunately her mother was sick
and passed away and her father
was took to a farm and it was only Sue herself.
Once upon a time there was a horse
named Sue, she was a normal casual Horse.
She had bright blue eyes and was
bay coloured. She was abandoned
ever since she was 4 months old,
unfortunately her mother was sick and
passed away and her father was taken to a
farm and it was only Sue on her own.
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Thursday, 7 June 2018
Tha Zin Area Design!
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Tha Zin Scout The Perimeter
WALT: calculate perimeter and length of a rectangle
TASK DESCRIPTION:we had to figure out what the perimeter for these shaapes were by calculating them and writing down how we did it
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
Monday, 28 May 2018
Tha Zin Perimeter Design
WALT:calculate perimeter and length of a rectangle
TASK DESCRIPTION: in this presentation we had to design our own shape in our maths book.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Flying Free, By Adrienne Frater
WALT: Understand/ COMPREHEND what we are reading. Answer questions about the text and understand whether it was a literal or inferential question and be able to explain WHY.
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Tha Zin Four Forces Of Flight
WALT: we had to draw a picture of a plane on pixlr and then had to write in the four forces of flight.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Turbulence, by Paul Mason
WALT: answer literal and inferential questions about the text.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Tha Zin My Holiday Narrative
Walt: Write in the style of narrative, using descriptive
Task Description: we had to -write an descriptive narrative about what we did in the holidays except we had to write as third person
Monday, 30 April 2018
Tha Zin Shapes on Shapes
Walt: recognise shapes and sides.
Task Description: Task Description: this is a presentation about shapes and we ahd to work out how many side the shape has.
Tha Zin Shapes and Symmetry
Walt: recognise shapes and sides.
Task Description: this is a presentation about shapes and we ahd to work out how many side the shape has.
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Keynote Shape Art
Task Description : This week we used Keynote, and the shapes tool to show images that represent us.
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Tha Zin Nrl Running Meters #2
WALT: understand different measurement units
Task Description: in this presentation we had to figure out if the players in NRL could reach their running goal.
Mr Goodwin,
Room 7,
running meters,
Team 4,
Term 1,
Tha Zin,
Year 6
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