
Friday 8 March 2019

Tha Zin Moriori Book Reveiw

Walt: understand new information by connection to my life, texts I know and the world Task

Book Name : Moriori: Story Of Survival

Author : Maui and Hinemata Solomon

Reviewed by : Tha Zin

Age: 11

Auckland, New Zealand

This weeks book is called Moriori: Story Of Survival this book is a non-fiction book it is about a man named Maui Solomon and when he was a little kid people taught him that the Moriori people were a phantom people and that they were a myth, because of that many kids grew up thinking that Moriori people were just a myth.

It later explains that the Moriori people wanted to be peaceful but while they wanted to be peaceful other tribes wanted a war.In the book it also tells you the first contact the Moriori people had with the British Ship HMS Chatham. Later in the story it tells you that the Moriori set out to revive their culture because their culture was on the brink on extinction, nowadays there are around a thousand people that identify that they are Moriori.

I liked this book because it shows that not everything is a myth and that just by saying it’s a myth without researching about it or not having proof to show that they don’t exist could people forget about their culture or even believe that their people is a myth or a phantom people. I also liked this book because I got to learn about the Moriori culture and their history and I never even knew that they existed.

I recommend this article to adults who learnt that Moriori was a myth because then they can learn that Moriori is not a myth and that they real. I would also recommend this book to younger kids so they as they grow up they can teach their future kids , grandchildren. Facts about the true culture and the story of the Moriori.

Description: This weeks book that my reading group is reading is called Moriori: A Story Of Survival. This is a book review on the Moriori book about what I have learnt , what the main topics/ideas in this book is, who I recommend this article to, and if I like this article or not.

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