
Saturday 30 March 2019

Tha Zin Attitude Talk

Yesterday we had a lady called Jannah in Arabic her name means "gracious gift" she came to team 5 to talk about the different friendship types and some tips on keeping a friend. She told us about some friendship myths and also some things that don't really work on a friend.

First she told us about the different friend types like the "girl girl friendship" and the "guy guy friendship" and also even the "girl guy friendship" first let's talk about the "girl girl friendship" she told us that girls talk a lot and when I say a lot I mean A LOT, she also told us that the girl friendships are like face to face as in girls care a lot about their friends. Guy guy friendships on the other hand are mostly like shoulder to shoulder friendship which means that guys don't really care a lot about their friends, for an example if it's a guy friends birthday they don't really give much effort to their cards and girls care A LOT about birthdays.

Secondly was the things that just don't work....
1. Mean Humour - Kiwi's love to mock their friends about some silly things and friends don't really care about it but everyone is also sensitive about a certain thing.
2. Back Stabbing- she told us that back stabbing was definitely a thing that could ruin a friendship and overall is just not a nice/good thing to do to a friend.
3. Smothering- she told us that if you ever make a new friend and if you notice that they are excited to be your friend but just take it as a compliment that someone is excited to be your friend.
4. Bullying- of course bullying is horrible it's pretty much the opposite of making a friend Jannah felt sad for the bullies and the ones who are getting bullied there's a saying "hurt people hurt people" it pretty much means that hurt people can also hurt other people so that they can be pleased by seeing someone get hurt.

Also she gave us 6 different tips to having a great friendship...
1. be friendly- this little tip is the one where even adults forget about sometimes well not just adults but everyone forgets sometimes.
2. remembering names- Jannah had a thing she would do if she ever forget a friend's name and that little technique she had was to cough whenever she didn't remember the name.
3. learn to listen- instead of just playing of texting on a phone at least listen to your friends conversations that they tell you and the story's they have to tell you.
4. be positive- adults also forget about this to be honest everyone forgets about this tip that makes the world a way better place.
5.Remember special times- remembering special times may be remembering your friends birthdays or your friendships anniversary don't just forget their birthday because then they might think that you don't really care much about them and your friend might think that you think eh about your friendship.
6. Be yourself- being yourself around your friends is the best thing to form a great friendship, being yourself around your friends is also a good thing to be doing because then you are actually pleasing yourself and if you aren't being yourself around your friends you aren't pleasing anyone.

Lastly she told us about some friendship myths and one of them were that we all struggle at times there is not a single person living out there that has never struggled in their life before. Another thing that is a friendship myth is that everyone needs to have heaps of friends this is totally a myth and is not true at all everyone can have heaps of friends but having some quality friends is what everyone needs, scientists have proved that 5 quality friends is all people really need but you can still have more than 5 of course.

Overall I really enjoyed the conversation she had with us she was really funny and quite relatable put your hand up if you have ever been embarrassed in front of your friend oh right I can't see but anyways I just enjoyed everything she told us about and I liked the friendship tips the most so now I'm always keeping them in mind.

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