
Monday 20 July 2020

Immersion Assembly, Term 3

Today is the first day for term 3! I'm looking forward to this term as there will be loads of events taking place! This term's theme is 'A world of difference'.

Each team presented what they were going to do this term. My favourite team must be team 5! not trying to be biased. They went up on stage and did a small play for the whole school, we found out that we were going to be taking a look at myths from all through out the world.

We got told the story of Sina and the eel, a story of love and sadness. The eel confessed his love but got rejected which was already sad, the eel follows Sina everywhere she goes and as the story progresses her fear for him grew bigger. Till one day when Sina had enough, she told her uncles and cousins where the cousin chopped off the eels head. Before dying the eel asked Sina to plant his head as his last wish, after they had planted his head a tree grew from it along with coconuts. It is said that the three holes represent his eyes and mouth so whenever you drink the water of it you are also kissing him.

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